What are Birthstones?
Birthstones make for a personal and meaningful gift! Each precious gemstone is traditionally associated with a specific month and believed to symbolise unique characteristics. From garnet’s deep red to the sparkling elegance of diamonds, each birthstone has its own charm. Explore our guide to learn about the symbolism and significance of these beautiful gemstones. Whether you’re searching for your own birthstone or a special present for a loved one, we have everything you need to make an informed and meaningful choice. Discover the timeless tradition of birthstones and connect with your loved ones through these precious gemstones.

The birthstone of those born in January is the beautiful garnet. This gemstone is the beacon of love and friendship and is believed to bring protection on all your journeys. The word ‘’garnet’’ derived from the Latin word for pomegranate. Although garnets are commonly associated with the colour red, gem-quality garnets are found in an extraordinary range of colours, making them unique among gemstones. We carefully select the garnets with rich colours and high clarity, commonly the red garnets, to ensure you of that everlasting dazzle!

Amethyst, the february birthstone, is found in a lovely blend of violet colours ranging from pale lavender to deep purple. The wine-like colour of this gemstone made Greek mythology associate it with Bacchus, the god of wine. Because of its hardness (7 out of 10 on the Mohs scale) amethyst is a very durable gemstone, but we do advise you to be careful in contact with jewelry set with ruby, sapphire or diamond. These gemstones are even harder and therefore might cause scratching to your amethyst. When born in february, wearing an amethyst is believed to bring personal empowerment and peace to your life, isn’t that super special?!

We are always on the hunt for the finest vintage jewelry with this month’s birthstone: aquamarine. The name ‘’aquamarine’’ derived from the Latin words: aqua, ‘’water’’, and marina, ‘’of the sea’’. Back in the days, sailors would carry this gemstone on their adventures across the oceans to calm the waves and keep them safe at sea. When curating aquamarine jewelry we pay good attention to the setting of the gem. Open-back settings work best for transparent gems such as aquamarines. It allows light to enter the stone from many angles, making aquamarines shine bright like the endless summer skies!

The most precious of all birthstones: the diamond. This month’s breathtaking gem symbolises eternal love and strength. Did you know diamond is the hardest material found on earth? This makes a diamond the most durable gem you can think of, perfect to spice up your day-to-day look! Diamonds are in fact so strong that the name derived from the Greek word ‘’adamas’’, meaning ‘’unbreakable’’. To determine the quality of a diamond, we look at the clarity, cut, carat and colour of the gem after which we select the most sparkling vintage diamond jewelry.

The birthstone of those born in the heart of spring is the breathtaking emerald. This member of the Beryl family is loved for its vivid green colour and beautiful crystal structure. While clarity is one of the most important features of a good quality gemstone, emeralds are in fact praised for their internal fractures or ‘’inclusions’’. These inclusions are referred to as ‘’jardin’’, which is French for garden. Just like granny’s garden: emeralds are filled with beauty and love!

Moonstone & Pearl
June has two birthstones. Moonstone has a beautiful luminous glow that reminds us of the most dreamy night sky lighted by moonbeams. This gemstone is believed to bring good luck to those born in June, making a moonstone the most meaningful gift to the people close to your heart. At Eleonora Vintage Jewelry we favour moonstones cut into a cabochon (dome) shape. This cut brings out the best of the green and blue hues this stone has to offer. The second birthstone of this month is the treasure of the sea: Pearl. With its beautiful shine, and classy look, a pearl is known as the gem of new beginnings.

Ruby ruby ruby, this glowing gemstone makes us wish we were born in July! The dark pink to deep red colour of this gem makes it stand out like no other. Fun fact: it is the red color of this corundum variety that makes a ruby a ruby. All other varieties of corundum minerals are called sapphires. Wearing a ruby while being born in July is believed to bring passion, love and wisdom to your life, do we need to say more?!

Peridot, the birthstone of august is known as the ‘’gem of the sun’’ and we totally get why! This gem is found in a range of yellow-green to lime green colours and has a beautiful glow at any time of the day, even at nighttime! There is something even more special to this gem: while most peridots are found in volcanic rocks, some gems made a journey to earth on meteorites. Isn’t that cool?! While peridot is softer than many other gems we recommend paying a little extra attention when wearing your vintage peridot treasure.

The September birthstone is the royal sapphire. Whether you go for a classic blue sapphire like Lady Di, or another shade of the sapphire rainbow, this gemstone suits every occasion! Did you know the word sapphire comes from the Greek word ‘’sappheiros’’? This gemstone symbolises sincerity and nobility, helping you to become the best version of yourself. At Eleonora Vintage Jewelry we carefully select vintage sapphire jewelry with the most vivid colours and deepest dazzle.

Tourmaline & Opal
This month’s birthstone, tourmaline, comes in one of the the most exciting range of colours seen in the gem world! And the best thing? The second birthstone of October, Opal, is just as colourful! Fun fact: some tourmalines even display more than one colour: often a fade from green to pink, just like a watermelon and therefore earning the name ‘’watermelon tourmalines’’. The meaning of Tourmaline is ‘’luck and happiness’’, making a tourmaline a great gift for someone you wish all the luck in the world! The word Opal comes from the word Upala, meaning precious. That’s why Opal is the perfect gem to celebrate the most precious moments in life with.

Whether you’re born in November or you treasure this month because of a special memory, celebrate it with a beautiful vintage citrine! We are always on the hunt for that eye-catching citrine ring or charm. A good quality citrine should have an excellent clarity without any visible flaws and with a highly saturated yellow colour. You probably didn’t know that amethyst can be transformed into citrine when exposed to extreme heat. This process is called ‘’heat treatment’’ and we are fascinated by it! Believed to carry the power and energy of the sun, a citrine will brighten up every day with its sunshine-like shimmer!

This month’s birthstone, the absolutely stunning tanzanite is even rarer than diamond. It is found in just one place on earth: deep in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Now you can probably guess where its name comes from. With its unique violet to blue hues, this stone is truly one-of-a-kind! The most desired stone has a vivid blue colour with a delicate hint of purple. Tanzanite is believed to help you accomplish all your dreams. Dream big, dream small and let this gemstone guide you on the way!